tour Asia.,JSC is a registered international travel operator -
Headquarter located in Hanoi, Vietnam SR that was founded almost a
decade ago and be known as the first VIP tour in Asia. Today, we are one
of the largest travel operator in the continent, providing VIP tour
packages for individuals and families who travel frequently and
appreciate travel value. We are conveniently located to the Red river
and the famous Old quarter.
Travel Volunteer Program at the Headquarter AVAILABLE NOW!
Travel Volunteer Program at the Headquarter AVAILABLE NOW!
Do you like travelling and love to share their travel experiences?
Do you have a good Command of written language?
No matter where are your from. Are you interested in Asia?
How many hours per week would you like to commit?
We offer volunteering works in the following categories minumium for 3 months. (English, French, Spanish, or Rusian-speaking):
Proofreading of articles and web pages.
1. Languages: (grammar, spelling, vocabulary)
2. Accuracy (language, sentence structure, expression)
3. Content (review, marketing focus, cultural aspects, suggestion for additional content)
Supervise our evaluation project.
1. Check if language is properly used in the articles. Check if the expression is native and understandable.
2. Check for appropriate language. (Marketing focus, cultural aspects, expression)
3. Give an evaluation of each article we sent to you.
4. Other suggestions you may wish to offer.
Provide your help on our web site community and for our travel advisors
in to our community and check it regularly, share your travel
experience with others, help people understand VIP tour Asia and let
more people know about our community tools and forums.
any interesting tourism information from around Asia. Suggest to us any
information about leisure and holiday, which you think may arouse
curiosity and interests among foreign travelers.
Products evaluation
us improve our travel products and the standard of service provided by
our travel advisors and tour guides. Propose any suggestions on our
products from a customer's viewpoint on the followings:
1. Our tour itineraries and services
2. The hotels and restaurants used in our tours.
3. Any other suggestions.
IT Tasks
1. Assist us in developing and testing computer programs and systems.
2. Give us valued advice on our web site. Suggest how we can improve our web site from the following aspects:
3. Is our web site well laid out and easy to navigate?
4. Does it contain information to prospective clients and travelers to Asia?
5. Do you find the organization and content of our web site (categories, classification, labels) well through out and complete?
6. Any other suggestions to make our web site eye-catching and appealing.
For more information about related programmes and vacancies, Contact us today!
For more information about related programmes and vacancies, Contact us today!
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